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All About the Gorgeous Pinstripe Plant!

Posted on December 12 2022

Are you looking for the perfect addition to your indoor plant collection? Look no further! The Pinstripe Plant, also known as Calathea Ornata ‘Sanderina,’ is a stunning plant with dark, glossy leaves that are almost black in color, adorned with beautiful pink brushstroke stripes. This unique plant is a perfect candidate for #OnWednesdayWeWearPink, as it adds a touch of elegance and style to any space.

Family Matters: Meet Your Match!

The Pinstripe Plant is a member of the Calathea family, which includes other popular varieties like Calathea Orbifolia and Calathea Roseoptica. It is also a cousin of the traditional "Prayer Plant," the Maranta. The scientific name for the Pinstripe Plant is Calathea Ornata ‘Sanderina,’ with Calathea being the genus, Ornata being the species, and 'Sanderina' being the cultivar.

Hometown Glory: Where the Pinstripe Plant Thrives!

The Pinstripe Plant is native to the under-canopy of warm, humid rainforests in South America. This tropical plant thrives in high humidity environments and prefers well-draining, water-retaining soil. It is important to keep the soil moist, but not soggy, and water when the topsoil is crumbly. To maintain the ideal humidity levels, you can place the plant near a humidifier or mist it daily.

Caring for Your Pinstripe Plant: Tips and Tricks!

Taking care of your Pinstripe Plant is relatively easy with the right care routine. Here are some essential tips to keep your plant happy and healthy:

  • Lighting: The Pinstripe Plant prefers bright, indirect light, so placing it in a well-lit area of your home is ideal. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as this can cause leaf burn.

  • Temperature: The Pinstripe Plant prefers temperatures above 65 degrees Fahrenheit and does best in warm and humid environments. Avoid placing it near drafts or heating/cooling vents.

  • Fertilizer: During the growing season, which is typically spring and summer, you can use diluted natural fertilizer on your Pinstripe Plant twice a month. However, avoid fertilizing during dormancy, which is usually in fall and winter.

  • Repotting: When it comes to repotting your Pinstripe Plant, it's best to allow it to acclimate to its new environment for at least a week after unboxing. Avoid repotting immediately, as this can cause shock and leaf loss.

  • Propagation: The easiest way to propagate the Pinstripe Plant is through division during repotting. This involves carefully separating the plant into smaller sections and planting them in separate pots.

  • Toxicity: Good news for pet owners! The Pinstripe Plant is non-toxic to pets and people, making it a safe option for households with furry friends.

Unboxing Your Pinstripe Plant: Best Practices!

When you receive your Pinstripe Plant from Exotic Forest, it's important to follow proper unboxing practices to ensure its success. Here are some tips for unboxing your new plant:

  • Watering: Exotic Forest ships freshly watered plants, so avoid watering your Pinstripe Plant immediately upon arrival. Wait until it exhibits signs of needing water, such as crumbly topsoil, before watering.

  • Repotting: Give your Pinstripe Plant at least a week to acclimate to its new environment before repotting. This allows the plant to adjust and reduces the risk of shock and leaf loss.

  • Lighting: Place your Pinstripe Plant in filtered, low light for a few days after.

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