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Ctenanthe Burle Marxii ‘Fishbone Prayer Plant’

Posted on December 12 2022

The Ctenanthe Burle Marxii, also known as the Fishbone Prayer Plant or the Never Never Plant, is a stunning addition to any plant collection. With its perfectly oval shape and elongated bone-like pattern, pointing to the leaf's edge, it's easy to see why this plant is so popular. As a member of the Marantaceae family, the Fishbone Prayer Plant requires medium care but is well worth the effort. Plus, these plants are mobile; their leaves constantly go up and down, giving them an animated quality. When new leaves appear, they look like rolled-up newspapers and show off their beautiful mauve undersides!

The Ctenanthe Burle Marxii is part of a family that includes other popular plants like Calathea and Maranta Prayer Plants. The Ctenanthe is more closely related to other species of Ctenanthe, such as the Ctenanthe Pilosa ‘Golden Mosaic’ and the Ctenanthe Setosa ‘Grey Star.’ In terms of the family tree, the Ctenanthe Burle Marxii belongs to the Marantaceae family, Ctenanthe genus, and the Ctenanthe Burle Marxii species.

If you want to care for your Fishbone Prayer Plant properly, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, make sure to keep the soil moist by watering when the topsoil is crumbly. High humidity is also essential, so place it near a humidifier or mist it daily. Your Fishbone Prayer Plant prefers well-draining soil and diluted fertilizer once a month during the growing season, but avoid fertilizing during dormancy. Keep your Ctenanthe in bright, indirect light for optimal growth.

If you're unboxing a Fishbone Prayer Plant for the first time, there are a few best practices to follow to ensure its extended wellness. Firstly, do not water the plant until it exhibits proper signs, and do not immediately repot it, as this can cause shock and leaf loss. Allow it to acclimate to its new environment for at least one week. Place your plant in filtered, low light for a few days to acclimate, then relocate it to your desired location that fits its care needs. Do not ever place a freshly un-boxed plant in direct sunlight.

At Exotic Forest, we take pride in our plants and our shipment methods. We ship our plants via UPS, with a maximum of four-day shipping, to ensure that they arrive safely. Our packing materials include bamboo stakes and biodegradable packing peanuts made of starch, which securely hold your plant in place during shipment. We never treat our plants with chemical pesticides and strive to meet stringent quality standards to provide pest-free, healthy plants. Our customer service team is also knowledgeable and committed to providing personalized support.

In terms of propagation, division during repotting is the easiest method for the Fishbone Prayer Plant. While the plant is listed as non-toxic by the ASPCA, it can cause allergic reactions in some individuals.

If you're curious about caring for your Fishbone Prayer Plant or have any issues, you can reach out to us at or via our social media accounts. We believe that plant parents want to talk to people, not robots, so a knowledgeable team member will read and reply to each individual concern. While we do not accept returns at this time, you can contact us with photos of your plant and receipt to discuss specific plant care issues and possible resolutions.

In summary, the Ctenanthe Burle Marxii, also known as the Fishbone Prayer Plant or the Never Never Plant, is an excellent indoor plant that requires proper care to thrive. By following our care tips and best practices, you can enjoy this stunning addition.

Some additional tips for caring for your Fishbone Prayer Plant include:

  1. Temperature: The ideal temperature range for this plant is between 60-75°F (15-24°C). Keep it away from drafts or sudden temperature changes.

  2. Lighting: Although the Fishbone Prayer Plant prefers bright, indirect light, it can also tolerate lower light levels. Direct sunlight can scorch its leaves, so avoid placing it in a sunny spot.

  3. Soil: Make sure the soil is well-draining and rich in organic matter. You can use a mixture of peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite to create a suitable growing medium.

  4. Pruning: Regular pruning can help keep your Fishbone Prayer Plant looking its best. Use clean, sharp scissors to trim away any yellowing or dead leaves, and remove any leggy growth to encourage bushier growth.

  5. Pests: While the Fishbone Prayer Plant is generally resistant to pests, it can still attract spider mites or mealybugs. Check your plant regularly for signs of infestation, such as webs or sticky residue on the leaves. If you notice any pests, you can treat them with insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Overall, the Fishbone Prayer Plant is a beautiful and unique addition to any plant collection. With proper care and attention, it can thrive indoors and bring joy to its owner for years to come.

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